Monday, February 28, 2011


Soccer in Regents Park: (Friday 2/18) On Friday, about 12 of us went to Regents Park to play some pick up soccer. When we had teams of six, we named ours the "Dynamite" and I proceeded to ask everyone what position they wanted to play. When everyone was silent, I knew I was taking it too seriously. My team ended up losing, which was rough for me. I tried to play offense as long as possible, but after realizing that our only defender was too busy singing show tunes to play defense, I had to pick up his slack. Basically every time I got the ball I dribbled towards the goal. Then I realized I was being selfish and started passing. It was hilarious. At one point, when I was complaining that no one was playing defense, my friend Sonya reminded me that no one was taking it as seriously as me. Haha, what else is new. I am a Rhodes. 

Dinner with Maggie and her Sister at The Tomas Cubitt: (Friday 2/18) Friday evening, I went to dinner with Maggie and her sister, Janie, at The Tomas Cubitt. The restaurant has a fancy dining room upstairs, but we opted to sit in the bar area and have drinks and dinner. We started with chili lime calamari (so yummy!) and I had salmon with mashed potatoes and broccoli for dinner. We also shared a side of roasted sweet potatoes, which made me miss home. I can never seem to find sweet potatoes here. Anyways, dinner was absolutely wonderful. I loved getting to know Maggie's sister, as Maggie is such an amazing friend of mine. After, we went to a bar together and continued to chat and drink wine. It was definitely one of my favorite nights so far. 

Hospital (Monday 2/21): After tripping on the sidewalk on Saturday night and falling really hard on my shoulder, I decided to go to the hospital yesterday to get it checked out, since it still really hurt and I couldn't move it very much. I wanted to make an appointment to see a doctor, but the program director warned me that it would be at least 60 pounds. However, he told me if I went to the Emergency room at the local hospital, I could be seen for free. It was definitely an experience I will never forget. I waited a little over an hour and the nurse poked and prodded at my shoulder and told me it wasn't broken, which I already knew. She then told me to take some ibuprofen and come back in a week if it still hurt. It is actually feeling much better today, so I think I will survive. While in the waiting room, I attempted to get some reading done for class, but I couldn't help looking around at all the people there. This one man came in saying he had just been hit by a taxi and moaning and groaning. He took his shoe and sock off in the middle of the floor to show the nurse that his toe was bleeding, then rolled up his sleeve to show her a cut on his arm, while he pleaded that his injuries were far more important than everyone else's. I would never laugh at someone in pain, but I was convinced this guy was not actually hurt. He was so rude to everyone in the waiting room, including the hospital staff, that a woman finally said something to him. Anyways, it was an experience to remember. 

Skyping with the Family: In the past two weeks I have gotten to skype with my parents, Jess and Ian, and even my grandparents!!! Jess showed me her dog Toby's new tricks, my parents and I planned what they want to do when they get here, and my grandparents filled me in on the snowstorm that turned off their electricity and water and forced them to stay at my parents house for a while. I am so thankful for Skype so I can stay up to date with all of these important things :) 

Countdown until Mom & Dad arrive: 18 DAYS!!!!! I am so excited, I can't wait :)

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